Intervention & Referral Services (I&RS)

District Coordinator  
Jessica Smedley, 609-716-5000, extension 5081
[email protected]

School Coordinators

Community Middle School
Ellen Burgess, 609-716-5000, extension 5374
[email protected]

Grover Middle School
Rachel Armstrong, 609-716-5000, extension 5257
[email protected]

I&RS is required by NJ Admini
strative Code 6A: 16
District boards of education shall establish and implement a coordinated system in each school building for the planning and delivery of intervention and referral services that are designed to assist students who are experiencing learning, behavior, or health difficulties and to assist staff who have difficulties in addressing students learning, behavior, or health needs. District boards of education shall choose the appropriate multidisciplinary team approach for planning and delivering the services required under this subchapter.

Interventions in the general education setting shall be provided to students exhibiting academic difficulties and shall be utilized, as appropriate, prior to referring a student for an evaluation of eligibility for special education and related services. The staff of the general education program shall maintain written documentation, including data setting forth the type of interventions utilized, the frequency and duration of each intervention, and the effectiveness of each intervention.

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