Project Child Find is a free referral service and public awareness campaign to assist in the identification of unserved/underserved youth with a delay or disability from birth through 21 years of age. Project Child Find also develops and distributes information to the public about early intervention services and Special Education programs throughout New Jersey. The toll-free number for Project Child Find is 800-322-8174.
Infants and Toddlers (Birth to Age 3): If you are concerned your infant or toddler is developing or learning differently, you can call the New Jersey Early Intervention System Point of Entry (SPOE) at 1-888-653-4463 and press option 4. You also can visit for more information on New Jersey Early Intervention.
Preschool Children (Ages 3 to 5): If you are concerned that your preschool child is developing or learning differently, you can contact the WW-P Regional School District Special Services Preschool Assessment Team. A meeting to discuss your concerns and conduct a screening to determine if an evaluation is warranted will occur when you complete the following three steps:
1. Send an e-mail to [email protected]. In your e-mail please include: child’s name, child's date of birth, gender of child, parent(s) full names, parent and child address, telephone numbers (home, work, and cell) and the best time to contact you, languages spoken at home, and a description of your concerns about your child.
2. Print and complete the documents for district registration. Please be prepared to bring proof of residency, your child’s birth certificate, and completed physical examination form to registration appointment. Click here to read registration information and to download the registration packet. You can download the registration forms for preschool from this link.
3. Take your completed registration packet to the District registrar; she is located at 321 Village Road East, West Windsor NJ 08550. Potential preschool students do not need an appointment to register. Walk-In Preschool registration is available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. It is essential that your registration is completed within 48 hours of sending your e-mail to the preschool assessment team.
Upon receipt of your email and notification of completed registration, the preschool assessment team will schedule a structured observation to screen your child in the areas of your concerns, and possibly other areas as indicated. You may also be contacted by telephone by a member of the preschool assessment team to gain further information prior to your structured observation appointment. Your written consent would be required before any evaluation or services could begin. All these services are provided at no cost to parents.
School-Age Students (Ages 5-21): If you are concerned that your school-age child is developing or learning differently, you can talk with your child's school guidance counselor, who may refer the matter to the Intervention and Referral Services Team (I&RS). You also have the right to request a child study team evaluation for consideration of special education and related services. Any such request would need to be in writing and directed to: Special Services, WW-P Regional School District, 321 Village Road East, West Windsor NJ 08550. An additional source of assistance would be the Mercer County Office of Education, 1075 Old Trenton Road, Hamilton, New Jersey 08690, or 609-588-5873.