Grades K-3 G&T

Grades K-3 Gifted & Talented

Grades K-3 Gifted & Talented Resource Specialist
Maurice Hawk Elementary School; Town Center Elementary School
Anne Marie Hughes, 609-716-5000 

Grades K-3 Gifted & Talented Resource Specialist
Dutch Neck Elementary School; Wicoff Elementary School; Millstone River School
Rachel Banziger

In WWPRSD, Gifted & Talented (G&T) programming fosters self-discovery by providing opportunities for students to explore their academic and creative talents within and beyond the classroom.  Students' abilities, needs, and interests are identified in order to provide broad reaching and targeted experiences that support growth.  To that end, the G&T Teacher Resource Specialists work in collaboration with classroom teachers to provide learning experiences and resources that support differentiated instruction. 

In addition, G&T programming provides enrichment opportunities for students kindergarten through third grade. These opportunities are offered throughout the year  and serve to help students understand themselves as thinkers and learners.  This  interdisciplinary programming  goes beyond the curriculum and allows students to use their gifts and talents to explore and expand their  interests.

The intent of all G&T programming is to honor the "whole child, every child" while at the same time recognizing diverse, individual student needs. 

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